- 23.08.01
[Aoyama MIHONCHO] Showcase "Fine Paper, Fine work vol.11"
Aoyama MIHONCHO “Fine Paper, Fine work” is a series of exhibitions
that highlight superb uses of TAKEO fine paper.
[Aoyama MIHONCHO] Showcase "Fine Paper, Fine work vol.11"
July 7th, 2023 (Tue.) – August 18th (Fri.)
Except: Saturdays, Sundays, and official holidays, August 14th (Mon.) & 15th (Tue.)
The 11th in a series of exhibitions presenting examples of creations by
designers and creators who make regular use of Aoyama MIHONCHO,
featuring the fine papers they select.
designers and creators who make regular use of Aoyama MIHONCHO,
featuring the fine papers they select.
This is a don’t-miss exhibition of fine work—including packaging,
pamphlets, and books.
pamphlets, and books.